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Hello :) Threshold Staff Member Edinburgh, Scotland



1 year(s) ago

The folder is named wrong. Should be named "LEAP Engines", you have named it simply "LEAP". Easy fix to do 😊



2 year(s) ago

This is really strange. I am very sorry you're facing all these issues, I'm slightly running out of ideas and I have a feeling it's not a problem that I or you can fix.

The DDS files are not an issue, it is actually X-Plane's preferred texture format (except for any normal maps) and I only ever use X-Plane's SDK DDS conversion tool to create them.

One last idea, could you try and run any of the other liveries in the pack and just see if it's an issue with the fuselage being corrupted or so with G-NEOS. If that doesn't work, try and see if the underwing registration is there, which would suggest it is only the fuselage being unhappy.

If all else fails you will be able to run the livery with the PNG fuselage 😊)



2 year(s) ago

Hi, thanks for reaching out. Could you try a couple things for me.

Run the Skunkcrafts updater to check that your ToLiss copy is up to date.

Delete the gear.png and gear_nml.png to see if it’s happy with that.

Can you also check your ToLiss ISCS is set to AUTO for all, as the livery config takes care of it

If this doesn’t work give me a shout, does your ToLiss A321 work with any other NEO liveries?

